Sweden demo day

At the Sweden Demo Day 2017 with our new intern, Ananna Nandini from Karolinska Institutet with a background in Pharmacy, Public Health and Global Health. Welcome to be part of the MyIndicators team!

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MyIndicators attended the GamifyUs the Scandinavia´s first meeting place for Gamification at Work on behavioural change, communication and game tech etc. It was a fruitful with a lot of new ideas and inputs.

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Self-care by tracking

A ѕеlf-саrе tооl tо trасk уоur hеаlth аnd wellbeing Data соllесtiоn iѕ thе рrосеѕѕ оf gаthеring аnd mеаѕuring information оn tаrgеtеd variables in аn еѕtаbliѕhеd ѕуѕtеmаtiс fаѕhiоn, whiсh then еnаblеѕ оnе to аnѕwеr relevant ԛuеѕtiоnѕ and еvаluаtе outcomes. Looking аftеr yourself is аn important part оf living a hарру and…

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Finally, yesterday was the closure of two days MVTe event – a Sweden’s national meeting place for welfare technology and e-health. We had many productive and positive dialogues with people that are coming from other municipalities and countries such as Finland and Norway. MyIndicators will continue to help you to take a…

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Senaste nytt: Sweden Demo Day

Den 14 December kommer MyIndicators grundare Patrik Helenius och Malene Schmidt att nätverka och presentera sin affärsidé på Sweden Demo Day, Sverige största demodag för digitala startups- Över 200 bolag och närings-innovationsminister Mikael Damberg kommer att delta. Dessutom kommer Malene i egenskap av kvinnlig medgrundare att presentera MyIndicators för media…

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Innovative e-Education: A new milestone in learning and education.  So far you might have come across tools that enable two or more people based at various corners of the planet come together and share information, chats, photos, and … Read more here

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